Join BBC Radio 4 and our crew on the frontline of saving lives

`Air Ambulance’ , an exclusive new documentary on BBC Radio 4 takes listeners closer than ever before to the vital lifesaving work of our crews as they respond to incidents across the South East of England.

With unique unprecedented access and thanks to a suite of carefully tailored microphones, you can hear first-hand how the crew of Helimed 21, at the frontier of pre-hospital emergency medicine, give their patients the best chance of survival.

Renowned science broadcaster and KSS crew member Doctor Kevin Fong, KSS Dispatcher Carol Lewis, KSS Doctor John O’Neil and Paramedic Laini Marshall, and pilots Captain Bill Thompson and First Officer Cian O’Leary, are called to help the most seriously injured and ill people across the South East of England.

The programme, which is available on BBC Sounds is earning praise from listeners. The feelings of many are summed up by one supporter who told us:

“I’ve just listened to the documentary. It gives an incredible insight, not only to the work they do but, also into the care with which they give it. I actually got quite emotional listening to it. Dr Fong is a very good storyteller and painted such an insightful picture, I absolutely imagined being there on the roadside with them.”

The programme features Will, seriously injured in a road traffic collision. We hear our crew carefully consider every decision and balance the benefits and risks from diagnosis of injuries through to a blood transfusion and a transfer to hospital to help save Will’s life.

We’re delighted to have had this amazing opportunity to showcase our vital lifesaving work to millions of people. We believe it will boost awareness of our work and encourage people to support us and help us to keep flying, save lives and ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.

To listen, please search for ‘Air Ambulance’ on BBC Sounds and encourage your family and friends to listen too. The more people who hear about our lifesaving work, the greater the impact it will have.