East Anglian Air Ambulance
Amount £9,000
Project: The purchase of 150 single patient use disposable skin sensors, for two donated NELCOR Co–pilot Near Infra Red Spectroscopy
The sensors are required as consumables for two donated NELCOR Co–pilot Near Infra Red Spectroscopy.
EAAA are examining the use of a well-established portable medical device, normally used in hospital during cardiac surgery, on out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients. The Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy (NIRS) device is a small handheld machine that records the oxygen levels in a patient’s brain. The device uses a simple forehead sensor to measure the brain’s oxygen levels beneath the skull during the treatment of medical OHCA patients cared for by EAAA. The study hopes to identify which interventions during standard advanced life support are most beneficial to the patient’s brain oxygen levels and may identify better ways of resuscitating people from OHCA. It will add significantly to the understanding of what happens to the brain during OHCA and will be the biggest study of its kind undertaken. The study will take about a year and involve up to 300 patients.
Outcome and Impact
Further the scientific understanding of the role of brain oxygenation during resuscitation from out of hospital cardiac arrest.
• Provide measurable indicators which may predict which patients achieve return of spontaneous circulation during cardiac arrest.
• Demonstrate the use of a new but simple observation methodology, useable by all pre–hospital clinicians, to assess the quality and predict the likelihood of success of resuscitation of out of hospital cardiac arrest