Scholarship for exceptional nurse studying with London’s Air Ambulance Charity
Ahead of International Women’s Day 2021 on Monday 8th March, London’s Air Ambulance Charity is celebrating the achievements of Mariana Campilho, a nurse undertaking the Masters degree in Pre-Hospital Medicine.
Mariana, who lives in East London, has been granted a prestigious award through The Company of Nurses Scholarship Programme to assist with her studies on the Masters (MSc) degree run by the Institute of Pre-Hospital Care (IoPHC), a department within with London’s Air Ambulance Charity. The course is delivered in partnership with Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).
The scholarship recognises the outstanding contribution Mariana has made to the nursing profession and represents an investment in the future of patient care, as she embarks on the three-year course.
Mariana Campilho said: “I applied for The Company of Nurses Scholarship as I wanted the opportunity of being able to study in an area that I am truly passionate about, and to be one of the first nurses doing so made it even more special.
“I was delighted and felt it an enormous privilege to be awarded the Scholarship, especially as I am aware of the high standard of the other applicants.
“I am looking forward to being able to study along different professionals all equally dedicated to the area of prehospital care and to be able to learn from different experts in the field.”
Mariana began the MSc course in January 2021, the first cohort to include nurses, and she also works as a Nurse in the Emergency Department at The Royal London Hospital. Before this Mariana completed a secondment with the Physician Response Unit (PRU), a community emergency medicine service which attends emergency calls in people’s homes. The PRU is a joint collaboration between London’s Air Ambulance, the London Ambulance Service (LAS) and Barts Health NHS Trust. The PRU responds to 999 calls, taking the Emergency Department to the patient, and reduces risks for vulnerable patients by helping them avoid a trip to hospital.
Brenda Griffiths, Chair of the Company of Nurses Charitable Trust said: “The Trustees are delighted to be able to support London’s Air Ambulance and this MSc programme with a Company of Nurses Scholarship. Emergency out of hospital care is critical, specialist and complex.
“We know that Mariana and those in her care will benefit greatly and look forward to hearing all about it as the course progresses”
The Company of Nurses, which aims to raise standards of nursing care, encourage health and wellbeing, and save lives, has offered the scholarship through it’s Ann Campbell RBNA Memorial Fund which supports a student with the payment of their tuition fees for the MSc in Pre-Hospital Medicine over the next three years.
The part-time MSc in Pre-Hospital Medicine was launched in 2019 through the Charity’s IoPHC and is specifically for doctors, paramedics and nurses who practice in emergency settings, particularly in pre-hospital medicine, and who wish to become better practitioners in their roles.
Now recruiting for its third year, the MSc is a practice-based course taught in face to face ‘teaching pods’, helping to nurture and develop talent and continue leading the way in pre-hospital emergency medicine education.